Nicola Finnegan is the Communication Officer with the ESF Managing Authority in the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. In this blog she highlights how the European Social Fund supports the Irish education and training system and how it supports our communities here in Co Donegal.…

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Jennifer Rankin is the Director of Nursing at the Lake House Nursing Home in Portnablagh in Dunfanaghy (pictured on the left). Over the last year she has encouraged and supported her staff to achieve QQI qualifications through our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process with our Further Education and Training…

Read MoreRecognising My Prior Learning

Tara Toye is a student at our Raphoe School, Deele College and also an active member of the Irish Second-Level Student Union, serving as their Student Council Support Officer this year 2020-2021. In this blog Tara tells us what the ISSU is all about. What is the ISSU? Well let…

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India Kennedy is a Leaving Cert student in our Donegal Town school, the Abbey Vocational School. She is an advocate for positive mental health and has spent many years promoting positive mental health both locally and nationally. Last year, she published a mental health manual called ‘How’s Your Head? A…

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Victor Yélamo, originally from Spain, is a Cellist and Conductor with our music service, Donegal Music Education Partnership (DMEP) and also a Latin Grammy nominee. Here he reflects on  the creation and development of classical music in the county over the last decade and a half (scroll down for English).…

Read MoreFifteen Years of Classical Music in Donegal

Edith Ward Tucker is a Transition Year student in Coláiste na Carraige. In this blag (blog) she tells us about life in her school. Coláiste na Carraige is ainm don scoil a fhreastalaím air. Tá an scoil suite ar an gCarraig, i bparóiste Chill Chartha, I gcontae Dhún na nGall.…

Read MoreSaol i gColáiste na Carriage

Shatroopa Mohunsing (Priyah) is a former Adult Guidance and Information Service client and FET student. In this blog she reflects on her and her daughter’s experience with Donegal ETB’s FET and Music Services after she moved here from Mauritius. “The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a…

Read MoreSome Guidance and a Little Music

Evin Devenney is a Science and ICT Teacher in our Raphoe school, Deele College. In this blog he reflects on what he has learned about online learning and teaching over the last year. 12 March 2020: I think this will be a date Irish teachers won’t forget in a hurry. What…

Read MoreTeaching & Learning in a New Classroom

Anne McHugh is Chief Executive of Donegal ETB, the largest education and training provider in the county, providing post-primary education, Further Education and Training, outdoor and music education and has legal responsibilities or youth work. Welcome to Donegal ETB’s first ever blog post. Donegal ETB is still a relatively ‘new’ organisation, having…

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