

Teaching Digital Citizenship

Pauline Doherty is an ICT and Accounts Teacher in our Milford Further Education and Training (FET) Centre and is a member of the Community of Practice team that developed a Digital Citizenship website for both our post-primary and FET students…

A Year in the Life of a New Principal

We directly manage fifteen of the county’s twenty-seven post-primary schools and are a trustee partner for a further eight Community and Comprehensive schools. Our school Principals play a vital leadership role in managing our school communities but what does this…

Being Cyber Aware

Ciaran Cunningham

Ciaran Cunningham is our Head of IT and following a number of high-profile cyber attacks this year, he spearheaded our adoption of a cyber secure solution to mobile phone use, the first ETB in the country to do so and…

World Premiere Composition

Vincent Kennedy is one of Ireland’s leading composers and conductors and since 2008 has been the conductor and musical director of our youth orchestra, the Donegal Youth Orchestra, part of our music service, Donegal Music Education Partnership. For the past…

What is a Restorative School?

Fiona Temple is the Principal of our Milford school, Mulroy College, a school community of five hundred and fifty students and forty-eight teaching staff. Mulroy College has a long history of taking a restorative approach to managing relationships and in…

Upskilling During a Pandemic

Sean Quinn is originally from Scotland and is Head of Sales at Highland Radio, having worked in sales and marketing for over twenty years, gaining huge business experience while working within the media, telecoms, financial and new business enterprise sectors.…