

Supporting Ukrainian Students

Image of two people who wrote the blog.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, thousands of Ukrainians sought safety in Ireland. In response, the Department of Education set up Regional Education and Language Teams (REALTs) around the country, hosted by Education and Training Boards. But what exactly…

Recognition of Prior Learning

Image of person.

Did you know that it is possible to gain a qualification based on your work and life experiences through our Further Education and Training (FET) Service? It’s called Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and we were one of the first…

Working with Partners – Donegal Youth Service

Image of person who wrote blog.

We work in partnership with a wide range of organisations locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Locally, within the county, we work in partnership with several youth organisations, including Donegal Youth Service. What do they do and how do they work…