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The Community Education Support Programme within our Further Education and Training (FET) Service supports thousands of students around the county and its islands each year but what exactly does it support? In this blog our Community Education Facilitators Catherine Friel and Orla Winters tell us more about the Programme. “Education…

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Image of person who wrote the blog.

Supporting young people to transition from primary to post-primary school is an important aspect of the annual work plans of each of our post-primary schools but what does this involve? In this blog Ashlean McGeehan, the Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) Coordinator in our Stranorlar school, Finn Valley College, tells…

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Image of blogger.

School musicals play an important role in the lives of our school communities but what are the benefits? Eileen Carr, a teacher in our Donegal Town school, Abbey Vocational School, for over thirty years, has been the Musical Director for countless musicals and musical productions both at school and in…

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Image of person who wrote the blog.

Supporting our LGBTI+ students in our schools, FET Centres and services is an important aspect of our work. But how do we do this? In this blog, our Moville Community College Art teacher Helen Gallagher tells us what her school does. At a Donegal ETB school Principals meeting in 2013,…

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For those young people for whom school doesn’t work out, our Further Education and Training (FET) Service provides an alternative route for gaining qualifications through the Youthreach programme, based in six centres across the county. In our first November blog, one of our former Letterkenny Youthreach students, Richael Shiels, tells…

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Cathal McGee is the Senior Welding Instructor in our Further Education and Training (FET) Service and also a WorldSkills Expert in Welding, the only WorldSkills Expert in the country based within an Education and Training Board. This week he’s attending the 2022 WorldSkills Special Edition Competition in Cleveland, Ohio in…

Read MoreSkills Change Worlds – An Insight into WorldSkills

Parents Associations (PAs) play an important role in the life of our school communities but what does this involve? In this blog Anna Meehan, the Chairperson of our Abbey Vocational School Parents Association, tells us more about it.  The PA of the Abbey Vocational School is a body of motivated and…

Read MoreThe Role of Parents Associations

Did you know that we have legal responsibilities for Youth Work through which we support the development of youth services across the county? In this blog our Youth Development Officer, Paddy Muldoon, tells us more about it. The Youth Work Act, 2001, defines Youth Work as a planned programme of…

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Staff from most of our schools have been working on a Curriculum Planning and Content Creation project for the last number of years, funded by the Department of Education’s Schools Excellence Fund. The project has been coordinated by our Mulroy College Deputy Principal Séan McFadden and in this blog he…

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