Category Student experience

School Debating

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This year, during national ETB Week 2024 (11-15 March), we held our first-ever Debate Forum for our post-primary schools. This will now become an annual event on Donegal ETB’s event calendar but what does debating involve and what are its…

The Benefits of an Evening Class

Image of person who wrote the blog.

Our Further Education and Training (FET) Service provides evening classes each Spring and Autumn which many people use to upskill to help them in their current career, change career or start a new career and this is exactly what former…

Erasmus+ – From Dresden to Donegal

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Julia Meiner, who lives in Dresden in Germany, recently spent three weeks with the Donegal Music Education Partnership on an Erasmus+ work placement. The Erasmus+ programme helps students and recent graduates to develop work skills, improve their use of another…