Category Staff experience

Professional Development of Teachers

Image of person - Thomas Boyle

‘We seek to offer the very best quality education and training opportunities to all learners, by employing staff who are equipped to carry out their responsibilities’ (Donegal ETB Strategy Statement 2022-2026). In a rapidly changing world, our post-primary teachers achieve…

Public Sector Climate Action Mandate

In 2021, the Government published its first Public Sector Climate Action Mandate which highlights the main climate action objectives for public bodies. It envisages the public sector leading by example on climate action to reach the target of reducing Ireland’s…

Supporting Ukrainian Students

Image of two people who wrote the blog.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, thousands of Ukrainians sought safety in Ireland. In response, the Department of Education set up Regional Education and Language Teams (REALTs) around the country, hosted by Education and Training Boards. But what exactly…