FET Centre Stranorlar

The FET Centre Stranorlar is located on the Main Street of Stranorlar. The centre provides a range of part-time courses for learners from the Stranorlar and surrounding areas in a safe and supportive learning environment.

Most courses are accredited through either Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) or other recognised accrediting bodies such as City and Guilds and industry-specific qualifications. They can take over a number of weeks or up to two years. Learners can start at a level that acknowledges their existing skills and can avail of a progression pathway which is best suited to them.

The Centre facilitates the delivery of a number of programmes detailed below:

  • Adult Literacy (AL)
  • Back to Education Initiative (BTEI)



FET Centre Stranorlar
Main Street
Co. Donegal
F93 F663

Tel: 074 9190610

Centre Manager: Georgina Thompson
Email: georginathompson@donegaletb.ie

Centre Administrator: Sarah Gallagher
Email: fetcentrestranorlar@donegaletb.ie

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