
High standards of corporate governance in all ETBs are critical to ensuring a positive contribution to the State’s overall economic efficiency, competitiveness, social cohesion and regional development.

Corporate governance comprises the systems and procedures by which organisations are directed and controlled. Donegal ETB should serve the interests of Government as shareholder, the taxpayer, and all other stakeholders, and pursue value for money in their endeavours, including managing risk appropriately. Donegal ETB must act prudently, ethically and with transparency as a public entity and must conduct its activities consistent with its statutory responsibilities.

Code of Governance

Donegal ETB is subject to the CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE GOVERNANCE OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING BOARDS (Circular Letter 0083/2024) . The Board (being elected and appointed members of the ETB) and Management of the ETBs are accountable for the proper management of the organisation strongly guided by the principles set out in the Code of Governance in meeting their responsibility to ensure that all activities, whether covered specifically or otherwise in this document, meet the highest standards of corporate governance. The Board is required to confirm to the Minister for Education and Skills in both the Annual report and the Chairperson’s Statement that they comply with the up-to-date requirements of the Code in their governance practices and procedures.

The Chief Executive is accountable to the Public Accounts Committee (Section 25, Education and Training Boards Act, 2013) and to other Oireachtas committees (Section 26, Education and Training Boards Act, 2013). The financial statements of Donegal ETB are audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General and laid before the Oireachtas in accordance with the governing legislation.



Code of Practice For the Governance of ETBs