Donegal Education and Training Board (ETB) is getting a new Board following the local election on 7 June 2024. But what does the Board of an ETB do? In this blog our Chief Executive Anne McHugh tells us more about it. The Education and Training Board (ETB) is a statutory…

Read MoreThe Work of Donegal Education and Training Board
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All public bodies in Ireland have a responsibility to promote equality, prevent discrimination and protect the human rights of their employees, customers, service users and everyone affected by their policies and plans. This is a legal obligation, called the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty, and it originated in…

Read MorePublic Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty
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Caoimhe Pollard was a First Year student in our largest school, the Abbey Vocational School in Donegal Town in September 2023. As she enters second year, she reflects back on what she expected when she moved to a bigger school, what she found and offers some tips for new first…

Read MoreMoving from Primary to Post-Primary – Expectations and Tips
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Each year Donegal Education and Training Board (ETB) procures around €32 million worth of business across a wide range of goods and services. But what does our procurement process look like? In this blog, our Head of Procurement, Dana McMahon tells us more about it. Procurement is a cornerstone of…

Read MoreThe Role of Procurement at Donegal ETB
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Since 2016, the Education and Training Board (ETB) sector has partnered with Mary Immaculate College in Limerick to support research-informed development of schoolwide, systematic, and collaborative approaches to inclusive and special education and build school, and sector-wide inclusive policy and practice. This is known as provision mapping. But what does…

Read MoreProvision Mapping: ETBs Leading Inclusive Schools
Image of two people who wrote the blog.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, thousands of Ukrainians sought safety in Ireland. In response, the Department of Education set up Regional Education and Language Teams (REALTs) around the country, hosted by Education and Training Boards. But what exactly is a REALT and what does it do? In this…

Read MoreSupporting Ukrainian Students
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Providing meaningful programmes for our Transition Year (TY) students is an important aspect of programme provision in our schools. Learning new skills is one way to achieve this and a fantastic example of this has been taking place in Moville Community College over the last six years through the Newsbrands…

Read MoreTransition Year Activities – Developing Journalism Skills
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Did you know that it is possible to gain a qualification based on your work and life experiences through our Further Education and Training (FET) Service? It’s called Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and we were one of the first Education and Training Boards in the country to provide this…

Read MoreRecognition of Prior Learning
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Tá Éiteas ETB á rolladh amach ag Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna (ETB) Dhún na nGall thar a chúig scoil dara leibhéal agus choláiste dhéag. Tá sé seo mar chuid de thionscnamh náisiúnta níos leithne a bhaineann le gach ETB. Is scoileanna Stáit, Comhoideachais agus il-Sainchreidmheacha iad gach scoil de chuid…

Read MoreÉiteas Ghaelcholáiste ETB / Ethos of an ETB School Gaelcholáiste