[lang_ie] Bhí Oíche na Dámhachtainí Bliantúla don Bhord Oideachais agus Oiliúna ann i mBealach Féich an tseachtain seo. Bhí ionadaíocht óna 15 Scoil agus ó na hIonaid Oideachais Aosaigh, na Seirbhísí éagsúla idir Threoir d’Aosaigh, Ionad Ghartáin, Seirbhísí Ceol agus Óige.
Bhí ocht (8) catagóir agus ón 54 iontráil is iad seo a leanas na buaiteoirí i mbliana. Bronnadh teastas ar gach tionscadal a ghlac páirt. Comhghairdeas libh.[/lang_ie]
[lang_en-uk]This week the 2014 Awards were presented in the eight (8) different categories from an overall entry of 54. There were representation from all the 15 Second Level Schools, the Adult Education and Training Centres, Adult Guidance Service, Gartan Outdoor Education Centre, the Music Service and the Youth Service. Here are the Category winners and congratulations to all who took part.[/lang_en-uk]