[lang_ie]Tá Junk Kouture i gcomhar le hArdán Athchúrsála na hEorpa (ACE) ina chomórtas náisiúnta do mhic léinn dara leibhéal in Éirinn agus i dTuaisceart Éireann le bheith cruthaitheach le bruscar agus faisean nua a chruthú. Tá sé mar aidhm ag Junk Kouture na déagóirí a spreagadh le paisean agus le rudaí a úsáid ar ais agus ag an am céanna oideachas a chur orthu ar am tábhacht a bhaineann le hathchúrsáil agus athúsáid ar mhaithe leis an phláinéad agus muid go huile.
Tá an Babhta Tuaisceartach ann an Aoine seo (7ú Márta) sa Mhillennium Court i nDoire agus beidh an Babhta Cheannais Náisiúnta ar siúl san Amharclann Bord Gais, Baile Átha Cliath ar an Aoine 2ú Bealtaine. Bhí iontráil de 2,500 ó gach cearn den tír ag an tús. Seo nasc fhad leis an liosta d’iontrálacha a thagann ó scoileanna agus ionaid ón Bhord Oideachais agus Oiliúna. Ádh mór oraibh go léir.
Beidh gailearaí anseo gan mhoill.[/lang_ie]
[lang_en-uk]Junk Kouture in association with the European Recycling Platform (ERP) is a national competition for second level students in Ireland and Northern Ireland which challenges teenagers to create high-end wearable fashion from everyday junk that would normally find its way into the bin. Junk Kouture aims to inspire and ignite passion in these teenagers while at the same time subtly educating them about the importance of recycling and reusing waste for the good of the planet and everyone.
The Northern Final is this weekend (Friday 7th March) in the Millenium Forum in Derry and from the approx. 80 pieces – 26 are from schools and centres under the auspice of Donegal ETB and this year’s National Final is being held in the Bord Gais Theatre, Dublin on Friday 19th April next. There have been 2,500 entries from all over the country involved and link here to an approx. listing of the Donegal ETB Schools and Centres entries that are on the catwalk this Friday night. We wish them well.
Gallery to follow.[/lang_en-uk]