[lang_ie]Roimh dheireadh na bliana 2012 rinne Comhpháirtíocht Ghnó na Scoileanna fógairt go bhfuil Comhlacht Pramerica lánsásta clár meantóireachta a chuir ar fáil do na mic léinn ó Choláiste na Maoile Ruaidhe, Baile na nGallóglach.
Tá seisear fostaithe ó Pramerica mar pháirt den tionscnamh nua seo mar a thagann siad mar meantóirí le seisear mac léinn ón cúigiú bliain Choláiste na Maoile Ruaidhe mar chuid den Chlár Meantóireachta na Mac Léinn. Tá an clár seo éascaithe ag Comhpháirtíocht Gnó na Scoileanna agus is tionscnamh é de chuid Gnó sa Comhphobal Éire.
Ritheann an clár seo thar tréimhse dhá bhliain agus beidh fostaithe ó Pramerica le feiceáil ag nascadh leis na mic léinn 5ú Bliain ón scoil chun meantóireacht agus cuidiú a thabhairt dóibh le hiad a ullmhú don aistriú ón scoil fhad le breisoideachas agus fostaíocht. Buailfidh siad suas lena chéile ar feadh uair a chloig in aghaidh na míosa le linn an dá bhliain leis na daltaí a spreagadh agus tacaíocht a thabhairt dóibh. Déan nasc anseo fhad le Pramerica agus léamh faoin Rannpháirtíocht Phobail atá ar siúl acu agus nasc eile chomh maith chun eolas ar na cláir éagsúla atá ar fáil faoi Ghnó sa Comhphobail Éire.[/lang_ie]
[lang_en-uk]Towards the end of last year The Schools’ Business Partnership were delighted to announce that Pramerica Systems Ireland have launched their first mentoring programme for students of Mulroy College, Milford.
Six employees from Pramerica embarked on a new initiative as they became mentors to six fifth year students from Mulroy College as part of the Student Mentoring Programme. This programme has been facilitated by the Schools’ Business Partnership (SBP) and is an initiative of Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI).
The programme which runs over a two year period will see employees of Pramerica link with 5th Year students from the school in order to mentor and help prepare them for transition from school to further education or employment. They meet for one hour per month over the course of the two years to encourage and support the students. Please link here to Pramerica to read a little more of their ongoing Community Involvement and also a link here to information on the various programmes available from Business in the Community Ireland.[/lang_en-uk]
Mentoring Programme – Pramerica and Mulroy College.