[lang_ie]Bhí deis ag múinteoirí agus scoláirí ar aon sult agus pléisiúr abhaint as sár-rang Bhadmantain an tseachtain seo caite nuair a thug David Mag Aoidh, Oifigeach Áitiúil Forbartha Bhadmantain, cuairt ar Choláiste Phobail Cholmcille. D’fhoghlaim siad na rialacha úra atá i bhfeidhm anois chomh maith le scileanna éagsúla le cur lena gcluiche.Agus mar a tharlaíonn, is iad na scoláirí a fuair an lámh in uachtar ar na múinteoirí ag deireadh an lae. Tá sé i gceist ag David filleadh arís sa chéad téarma eile le cur leis an mhéid atá déanta go dtí seo aige. Mar sin de beidh lá eile ag na múinteoirí![/lang_ie]
[lang_en-uk]Students and Teachers alike had the opportunity to enjoy and participate in a Badminton session last week during the visit to our school of Local Badminton Development Officer, David McGee. Everyone learned the new rules involved along with the necessary skills to have as part of their game. And as a result, it was the students who gained the upper hand over the teachers on the day. David intends to make another visit sometime during the next term to continue with developing the skills further. The teachers will be prepared for that, hopefully![/lang_en-uk]