Magh Éne College Wins Donegal ETB Schools Senior Debate Forum

Group of students seated and standing holding medals and a cup.
Group of students seated and standing holding medals and a cup.
Donegal ETB Senior Debate Forum Cup Competition winners Magh Éne College, Bundoran with Anne McHugh, Chief Executive, Dr. Martin Gormley, Director of Schools and teacher Glyn Garvin. 

The annual Donegal Education and Training Board (ETB) Senior Debate Forum Cup has been won by Magh Éne College in Bundoran. Crana College in Buncrana took the honours in the Plate competition and Errigal College in Letterkenny won the Rose Bowl competition.

Runners up in the event were Deele College, Raphoe in the Cup competition, Coláiste Ailigh, Letterkenny in the Plate competition and Coláiste na Carraige in the Rose Bowl competition.

The debating event for Donegal ETB schools took place in the Radisson Blu Hotel in Letterkenny on Tuesday 25 March during ETB Week, a week-long celebration of staff and learners across Ireland’s sixteen Education and Training Boards.

Teams from eleven schools battled it out in the opening quarter finals. They were Crana College in Buncrana, Errigal College and Coláiste Ailigh in Letterkenny, Finn Valley College in Stranorlar, Deele College in Raphoe, Moville Community College, Magh Éne College in Bundoran, Mulroy College in Milford, Coláiste na Carraige, Gairmscoil Mhic Diarmada on Arranmore Island and the Abbey Vocational School in Donegal Town who fielded two teams.

Group of students and staff seated and standing holding medals and a plate.
Winners in the Plate Competition Crana College, Buncrana with Dr. Martin Gormley, Director of Schools, Chief Executive Anne McHugh and teacher. 

Almost seventy students debated for and against a range of motions that reflected the five ethos values of an ETB school: excellence in education, care, equality, community and respect. The motions included:

  1. Excellence in Education: The proposed changes to the Leaving Certificate are a necessary reform for a fairer and more inclusive education system.
  2. Care: It is more important to care for the environment than to focus on economic growth.
  3. Equality: It is important to teach girls and boys differently in order to achieve equality.
  4. Community: Community-based initiatives are more effective in addressing social issues than government programmes.
  5. Respect: Society displays a prevailing lack of respect towards the elderly.
  6. Respect: Using social media promotes disrespectful behaviour.

The competition took place during national ETB Week, which celebrates Ireland’s sixteen Education and Training Boards and the education and training services their schools, colleges and Further Education and Training (FET) centres provide to primary, post-primary, FET, music and outdoor education students across Ireland.

Group of students and staff seated and standing holding medals and a bowl.
Winners in the Rose Bowl Competition Errigal College, Letterkenny with Dr. Martin Gormley, Director of Schools and Chief Executive Anne McHugh. 

Donegal ETB’s Ethos Coordinator Eamonn Ryan noted, “Donegal ETB’s Senior Debating Forum offers a unique opportunity for ETB students across the county to come together and respectfully debate issues of national and local concern through the lens of our Core Values. It is heartening to see our teenagers thinking critically and expressing themselves confidently and respectfully on issues that matter to them.”

Donegal ETB’s Director of Schools, Dr Martin Gormley said, “It was a great experience for all our students who were well coached and prepared for the debates by their teachers. We were also delighted to welcome back some of our retired staff who, along with other ETB staff members, helped to Chair and Adjudicate during the day. There were also students on each of the adjudication panels which helped to promote the student voice.”

Donegal Education and Training Board manages fifteen of the county’s twenty-seven post-primary schools and is a trustee partner for eight Community and Comprehensive schools. Over 6,000 students attended Donegal ETB schools in the last academic year.

Image credits: Clive Wasson Photography for Donegal ETB Communications. 

Group of students and staff seated and standing holding medals.
Runners up in the Cup Competition Deele College, Raphoe with Dr. Martin Gormley, Director of Schools, teacher and Chief Executive Anne McHugh.
Group of students and staff seated and standing holding medals and a cup.
Runners up in the Plate Competition Coláiste Ailigh, Letterkenny, with Dr. Martin Gormley, Director of Schools, Chief Executive Anne McHugh and teacher.
Group of students and staff seated and standing holding medals.
Runners up in the Rose Bowl Competition Coláiste na Carraige, with Dr. Martin Gormley, Director of Schools, Chief Executive Anne McHugh and teacher.