Donegal Education and Training Board (ETB) will host its Further Education and Training (FET) Fair from 4-5 March in the Radisson Blu Hotel in Letterkenny, focusing on its wide range of further education and training options around the county.
On Tuesday 4 March, from 7.00-9.00pm, the FET Fair is aimed at school leavers and their parents/guardians and school guidance counsellors. A panel discussion, beginning at 7.00pm, will enable those attending the Fair to hear from Donegal ETB’s FET staff about the wide range of FET options (such as Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses, specific skills training courses, tertiary degrees and traineeships) and apprenticeships. With the number of school leavers choosing FET as their first preference increasing steadily, they’ll explain first-hand what the benefits of FET are and answer questions.
Speaking about the evening session on 4 March, Donegal ETB’s Director of Schools, Dr Martin Gormley said, “It is important that students and parents consider Further Education and Training (FET) as a possible pathway for progression. Graduates from apprenticeships, Post-Leaving Cert (PLC), tertiary degrees and other FET courses are highly rated by employers. At the heart of our FET provision there are so many engaged learning opportunities.”
The Tuesday evening session is also aimed at those currently working and seeking to upskill. A panel discussion will provide information about free or subsidised part-time training opportunities from Levels 4-6 or for low-skilled workers who, without participation in training, may not have the confidence to embrace change in the workplace. Recognition of Prior Learning opportunities will also be discussed.
On Wednesday 5 March, from 10.00am-2.00pm, the Fair is open to everyone who wants formation on the wide range of full and part-time education and training opportunities offered by Donegal ETB’s FET Service. Tutors and advisers will be available to talk through the ETB’s comprehensive range of opportunities with qualifications including QQI, City & Guilds and industry-specific certifications that allow students to choose their next best step. Those attending can view interactive skills demonstrations and speak to current students to find out first-hand what it is like to undertake a Donegal ETB FET course.
Donegal ETB’s Director of FET, Ciaran O’Brien said, “Our Service offers a comprehensive range of opportunities with qualifications including QQI, City & Guilds and industry-specific certification that allow students to choose their next best step. People should take the time on 4 and 5 March to find out how the FET Service can help them to go further in developing their skills through this wide range of options right here on their doorstep.”
Last year, over 19,000 students participated in FET courses with Donegal ETB in more than 100 venues across the county, availing of opportunities to retrain, upskill, get on-the-job work experience and progress onto further and higher education so why not come along to this year’s FET Fair on 4 and 5 March to find out more?
Keep an eye on Donegal ETB’s social media accounts (Facebook, X/Twitter, Instagram, Threads and LinkedIn) for updates and further details or contact the ETB’s Adult Guidance and Information Service on 074 91 78088 or email