Moville Community College (MCC) welcomed a group of French students and their teachers to the school on Thursday 14 April. Forty-four students aged 16-17 years and four teachers visited from Lycée Léon Blum which is situated in a suburb of Paris called Créteil. The MCC and French students spent the day getting to know each other through a range of activities. Leaving Certificate Music students set the scene with some songs and traditional music, followed by a céili organised by Sheila Mc Laughlin. The French students got the chance to visit and experience a variety of different lessons in the school. After lunch there was a short quiz in English and French for everybody hosted by some very talented 5th year French students. Many new friendships were formed and Snapchats and details exchanged. The French students were impressed with the warm welcome they got and have promised to stay in contact. The day was a great success and a brilliant experience for all involved.