[lang_ie]Tá an scoil pháirteach sa Chlár Comenius arís i mbliana, ag obair le scoileanna ón Ostair, ón Fhionlainn, ón Tuirc agus ón Eastóin. Ag tús mí Feabhra thug ceathrar dalta agus an Príomhoide cuairt ar an Fhionlainn agus i mí na Bealtaine beidh ceathrar dalta eile ag dul go dtí an Eastóin. Tá daltaí na scoile ag obair le daltaí ó na tíortha éagsúla ar thionscnamh dár dteideal ‘Tell Me Your Story’.[/lang_ie]
[lang_en-uk]The school is participating yet again in the Comenius Programme, working with schools from Austria, Finland, Turkey and Estonia. At the beginning of February, four students and the school Principal visited Finland and in May, another four students will visit Estonia. The students are working with students from the various countries on a project entitled ‘Tell Me Your Story’.[/lang_en-uk]