[lang_ie]Is é Jamie Ivers, dalta scoile ón 5ú Bliain ó Choláiste na Maoile Ruaidhe a tháinig os comhair Chomhdhála na hÉireann le gairid agus a rinne cuir i láthair fhad le Cumann Lucht Tráchtála Mheiriceá. Bhí an ócáid seo ar siúl san Ionad Comhdhála i mBaile Átha Cliath. Labhair Jamie mar chuid de thaispeántas de thaithí ó chuideachtaí rannpháirteacha agus scoileanna i gComhpháirtíocht Ghnó na Scoileanna atá mar pháirt den tionscnamh Gnó sa Chomhphobal Éire. Ba é ar chomhdháil Tráchtála ar Nuálaíocht Sóisialta Corparáideach san Oideachas a bhí Jamie os comhair.
Tá Coláiste na Maoile Ruaidhe i gcomhpháirtíocht le Córais Pramerica Éire le cúpla bliain anuas agus tá an Clár Meantóireachta Mac Léinn agus an clár Scileanna@Obair ag feidhmiú laistigh den scoil agus a sholáthraíonn léargas luachmhar ar shaol na hoibre do na mic léinn atá mar pháirt ann. Chuir Jamie trasna inar chuir i láthair faoin tionchar agus taithí atá bainte amach aige mar pháirt do na cláir seo agus atá fós le baint amach aige sa dá bhliain eile atá amach romhainn.
Dúirt Príomhoide Choláiste na Maoile Ruaidhe, Fiona Ní Theampaill …“go bhfuil gach duine an-bhródúil as Jamie a rinne ionadaíocht don scoil ag comhdháil náisiúnta agus a chuir trasna urlabhra gairmiúla ó chroí ar a chuid taithí phearsanta féin, a thug buíochas ó féin agus óna mic léinn eile do Chomhlacht Pramerica as an deis seo a bheith curtha a mbealach”.
Labhair Emma Nic Giolla Arraith , Rannóg na nAcmhainní Daonna, Pramerica ag an Chomhdháil seo fós agus dúirt sí ..“go raibh an-áthas uirthi féin agus a comhghleacaithe ó Pramerica as an seans a gcuid taithí dearfach a chuir ar fáil sa Chlár Comhpháirtíocht Ghnó na Scoileanna. Go bhfuil Pramerica tiomanta le tacaíocht a thabhairt don phobal áitiúil agus a thugann scóip don fhoireann bheith ag dul i ngleic leis na mic léinn óga ó Choláiste na Maoile Ruaidhe.” Tá sé mar phribhléid,” a dúirt Emma , “a bheith ag obair le macasamhail Jamie agus na mic léinn eile agus tá mé ag tnúth go mór leis an chaidreamh a choinneáil.”
“Tá an chomhpháirtíocht idir comhlacht Pramerica agus Coláiste na Maoile Ruaidhe thar barr le roinnt bliana anuas”... – a dúirt Elaine Nic Phaidín, Comhordaitheoir Réigiúnach i nDún na nGall do Ghnó sa Chomhphobal Éire...”aithníonn Gnó an Comhphobal Éire an cheannaireacht atá léirithe anseo ag Pramerica agus iad ag obair leis na daltaí ó Choláiste na Maoile Ruaidhe”
Tá tuilleadh eolais faoin tionscadal seo agus tuilleadh óna suíomh idirlíon Ghnó sa Chomhphobal Éire ….Pramerica ….agus an scoil féin Coláiste na Maoile Ruaidhe. Bualadh bos arís do Jamie agus lean leis an obair.[/lang_ie]
[lang_en-uk]Jamie Ivers, a fifth year student from Mulroy College recently addressed the American Chamber of Commerce conference on Corporate Social Innovation in Education. Jamie was part of a showcase of experiences from participating companies and schools in The Schools’ Business Partnership (SBP). The Schools’ Business Partnership (SBP) is an initiative of Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI). Mulroy College have been partnered with Pramerica Systems Ireland for three years and currently have the Skills @ Work and Student Mentoring Programmes operating within the school providing valuable insight into the world of work for all participating students. Jamie delivered his speech to the conference on the impacts experienced through participating in the Skills @ Work Programme last year and to his thoughts and aspirations for the next two years as a mentee on the Student Mentoring Programme with Pramerica.
“We are extremely proud of Jamie who represented the school at a national conference, delivering a professional yet heartfelt speech overviewing his own personal experience which is also reflective of the enormous benefits gained by all our students participating on The Schools’ Business Partnership programmes with Pramerica. We are immensely grateful to the employees from Pramerica for the support and commitment to our students and school”, said Fiona Temple, Principal, Mulroy College, Milford.
Emma McCleary, HR Generalist, Pramerica and a fellow speaker at the American Chamber conference said: “I was delighted to have the opportunity to communicate my positive experience and that of our Pramerica colleagues when they volunteer on The Schools’ Business Partnership Programmes. Pramerica is committed to supporting our local community, thus giving great scope for our staff to use their numerous talents to engage and encourage the students from Mulroy College. It is a privilege to work with Jamie and his fellow students. We look forward to continuing our excellent relationship with Mulroy College and The Schools’ Business Partnership”.
“The partnership between Mulroy College and Pramerica has been very successful over the past three years. BITCI recognises the leadership shown by Pramerica in working with Mulroy College to support the development of students and their investment in the local community.”- Elaine McFadden, Regional Coordinator – Donegal, BITCI.
More information on this initiative and others from the various websites of Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI), Pramerica and from the school website at Mulroy College. Well done again to Jamie and may the good work continue.[/lang_en-uk]