Seo freisin nasc fhad le suíomh ghréasáin Comhairle Contae Dhún na nGall, áit a bhfuil freagraí ar fáil ar saincheisteanna breise faoi shábháilteacht bóithre.
Is é Coiste Gairmoideachais Contae Dhún na nGall comhpháirtí de Mheitheal Sábháilteacht Bhóithre Dhún na nGall.[/lang_ie]
[lang_en-uk]The following linked two short video clips emphasise the dangers of misuse of mobile phones while walking or driving and convey the message of giving the road your full attention. The video clips developed by the Donegal Youth Council build on the current radio advertising campaign undertaken by the Donegal Road Safety Working Group. Here also is a link to further safety issues on the Donegal County Council website. Co.Donegal VEC is a partner of the Donegal Road Safety Working Group.[/lang_en-uk]
[youtube width=”200″ height=”200″] [/youtube] [youtube width=”200″ height=”200″][/youtube]